How To Choose A Bike Correctly

Popular methods of transport have altered in recent times. While the majority of people in the western world seemed most interested in travelling via automobile, in the last couple of decades many people have been choosing the bicycle as their primary mode of transportation. This trend can be attributed to the idea of keeping things 'green' in a bid to take care of our planet. It doesn't hurt that gas is increasing in price either! Either way you will now find the roads filled with more cyclists than ever before. Maybe you have considered buying a bike? If you have then there are several things you should look at when you do.

The brakes on your bike are of utmost importance. It is vital you understand how your brakes work and what brakes will be best suited for your style of cycling. If you only want a bike to use occasionally as a hobby, you can go with normal brakes which are just small pads designed to clasp the wheel when used. For those who use their bike for serious riding and over heavy terrain better brakes may be needed. The best kind of braking system to choose for this style of riding is the disk brakes, because they are build to handle more and are less apt to fail under stress.

For a road bike you should take away 9" from the inseam measurement you took earlier. This is to account for the size of tires you will use on a road bike. Designed click for more for cycling around the city road bike tires are thin. You will want to subtract 12" for a mountain bike. The tires on a mountain bike are not the same as a road bike. They are thicker and meant for a rockier terrain. You can always use a mountain bike for city cycling, although this is not how they are best used.

How many gears do you need? Make your choice by knowing that if you ride in mountainous areas you’ll need more gears than when riding in a flat area. A bike isn’t better just because it has more gears than another. Sometimes bike riders don’t ever use all the gears on their bike. It’s a waste of money to pay for all those unused gears. Know how you’ll ride your bike; make sure you have the correct gears for traveling, especially when this is your main mode of transport.

You will see there are many things you should consider when you are finding the bike that's right for you. It can become a bit overwhelming when going shopping for a bike and accessories because there is just so much to choose from. If you will not jump into things and try and educate yourself on what you need, you will be pleased with the results.

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